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Raw converted to GMS2
Provided a raw converted version to GMS2...
1 file
Travel between rooms without notice the room change.
Room switch 2.3.6 Update: Deactivate bugfix
This update fix an bug when you use deactivate and then exit to the menu...
1 file
Room switch 2.3.5 Update: Include exCamera 1.0.4
The exCamera extension has been updated and it is no longer compatible with RoomSwitch. I got permission from @alexandervrs to include exCamera v1.0.4. So you c...
1 file
Room switch 2.3.4 Update: Multiplayer offset calc
Added script when you try using my room switch in multiplayer games. Multiplayer offset calc: When you try use room switch for multiplayer you can now get the o...
1 file

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